The Chief justice of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region. 香港特别行政区终审法院和高等法院的首席法官,应由在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国居民担任。
Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal agreed and cleared her record. 香港终审法院同意了律师提出的这一观点,并免除了严穗陵的罪责。
The removal of the judges of the court of final appeal shall be decided on by the chief executive upon the recommendation of a review committee consisting of members of the Legislative Council of the Macao Special Administrative region. 终审法院法官的免职由行政长官根据澳门特别行政区立法会议员组成的审议委员会的建议决定。
If we are afraid, if we throw away this opportunity, then history will judge us very harshly, Mr Papandreou said in a final appeal for support before the vote. 帕潘德里欧在投票前最后一次寻求支持的讲话中说:如果我们害怕,如果我们放弃这次机会,那么历史将会非常严厉地审判我们。
The President of the Court of Final Appeal of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be a Chinese citizen who is a permanent resident of the Region. 终审法院院长由澳门特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。
The involvement of these experienced overseas judges in the Court of Final Appeal helps Hong Kong to maintain its links with the rest of the common law world. 这些富经验的海外法官加入香港的终审法院,有助与世界上其他采用普通法的地区保持联系。
The Chief Executive, on assuming office, shall declare his or her assets to the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This declaration shall be put on record. 平思和威尔姆斯达在2003年分别担任行政总裁和首席执行官。行政长官就任时应向香港特别行政区终审法院首席法官申报财产,记录在案。
Article 81 The Court of Final Appeal, the High Court, district courts, magistrates 'courts and other special courts shall be established in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 区域法院判监刑期最高可达七年。第八十一条香港特别行政区设立终审法院、高等法院、区域法院、裁判署法庭和其他专门法庭。
Overseas judges are invited to preside as non-permanent judges of the court of final appeal, the highest appellate court in Hong kong. 海外法官获邀出任终审法院非常任法官,在香港最高层次的受理上诉的法院审理上诉。
The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal. 最高法院是上诉的终极法院。
Senior officials must have heaved a sigh of collective relief after the Court of Final Appeal ruled last week that the government could cut civil servants'salaries by legislation. 最终法院上周裁定政府可以立法减薪,各高官都肯定松一口气。
The Committee only deals with Legal Aid cases regarding appeals to the Court of Final Appeal. 此委员会只处理涉及向终审法院提出上诉之法援案件。
The first big hole was made by the Hong Kong government, which used Beijing to overturn a judgment by the Court of Final Appeal which the local bureaucracy found inconvenient. 第一个大洞是香港政府弄出来的,它用北京推翻了终审法庭一个令本地官僚感到不便的判决。
Assange now has two weeks to consider making a final appeal to the Supreme Court. 如今,阿桑奇有两周的时间来考虑是否向最高法院做最终上诉。
Before the final voting ( vote) Thursday(?) House ( Republican?) minority leader John Boehner made a final appeal to lawmakers to vote against the measure. 在最终投票之前,议院共和党少数派领导人为呼吁立法者投票否决该议案作最后尝试。
In particular, in January 1999, the Court of Final Appeal delivered its judgments in two sets of landmark cases involving the right of abode issues. 一九九九年一月,终审法院首次就两组重要的居留权案件作出判决。
Babylon's judicial system included magistrates 'and judges' courts, a court of appeal, and the right of final appeal to the king. 巴比伦的司法体系包括地方官和法官法庭、一个上诉法庭以及向国王申诉的最后上诉权。
An applicant who is refused legal aid may appeal to the Registrar of the high court, or in court of final appeal cases, to a review committee. 申请人如不获批法律援助,可向高等法院司法常务官上诉;如属终审法院的案件,则可向覆核委员会上诉。
The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in the HKSAR. 终审法院是香港特别行政区最高的上诉法院。
We have our own Court of Final Appeal, which is the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong. 香港设有自己的终审法院,它是根据香港习惯法作出裁决的最终裁决机关。
The judicial system previously practised in Hong Kong shall be maintained except for those changes consequent upon the establishment of the court of final appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region. 原在香港实行的司法体制,除因设立香港特别行政区终审法院而产生变化外,予以保留。
The power of final adjudication of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be vested in the Court of Final Appeal of the Region. 澳门特别行政区终审权属于澳门特别行政区终审法院。
The first cases were heard by our ultimate appellate court, the Court of Final Appeal; 终审法院,即香港的最终上诉法院,审理了首批案件;
Special procedural system: Reducing conditions, requirements and limitations to prosecute, Extend the limitation, establish a special hearing of consumer court of appeals for the consumer disputes, Shorten the duration of the trial and implementation of trial final appeal system. 特殊诉讼程序制度:降低起诉条件的要求和限制,延长诉讼时效,建立专门审理消费纠纷的小额诉讼法庭和缩短审理期限并且实行一审终审制。
Once Final Appeal judgment, our government should take full advantage of the WTO legal rules, a positive response, and strive to minimize the loss of trade. 而一旦终审作出判决,我国政府更应是充分利用WTO法律规则,积极应对,争取把贸易损失降到最低。
In the microeconomic level, it need change our judicial system of final appeal trial. 在微观层面上,要改变我国的四级两审终审制为四级三审终审制。
As for common civil cases, an intermediate appellate court serves as the court of final appeal, since the hearing of the former court is enough to do justice and guarantee the uniform application of law. 对一般的民事案件来说,中级上诉法院就是终审法院,因为经过该级法院的审理,一般足以保证案件的正确处理和法律适用的统一适用。
It is independent of the three trial procedures, a special court proceedings, the Trial Court of Final Appeal of the system of exceptions and Add. 它是独立于三大审判程序之外的一种特殊审判程序,是两审终审审级制度的例外和补充。